Stars aligned

I know, I know. I missed last week's Weekly Output edition.

I'm making it up now. This week you'll get 2 of these 🙏

I was out travelling and was out with a cold. I'm still recovering, actually. I feel a lot better now, though.

However, in the midst of all that woe, there was a unique sequence of events that lined up, like it was a miracle.

Stars aligned?

So I mentioned travelling, right?

It was for my friend's wedding, I had to take flights to attend. On top of that, the location is quite secluded, so I needed to layover and take another flight to be at his wedding.

To remove the hassle from my brain, I did not book a low-cost flight. Instead, I booked a flight from a more premium company, which was more expensive. This is the first of the string of events.

On the day before travel, I checked in my flights online. I was only able to check in on my departure flight but not the return flight. That pissed me off, I wanted to print out all the tickets at home.

Turns out, I can only check in 48 hours before the flight. And this is the second event.

So far, so good.

After that, everything went smoothly. I attended my friend's wedding and met other old friends. It was fun.

I booked all the tickets with the intention of staying longer, so I could spend more time with my friends. But it turns out everyone, including the groom and bride, were flying out early. Same day as their wedding. 🤣

I'm left alone.


After the wedding, my friends and I went for a coffee and chill session at a nearby cafe. We reminisced about the old times and talked about our latest updates. While discussing what I could do there on my own, one of my friends mentioned flight rescheduling. The third event.

Ding, lightbulb moment 💡

See, if I had taken the low-cost flight like I always do, I wouldn't be able to reschedule. Or I would have to pay a lot. But since I was paying for the premium airline, I was able to reschedule my flights for only MYR 1, that's less than USD 0.25. And this was the final event in the strings of events.

I was saved!

Why am I telling you this?

When it happened, it made me wonder how perfectly all the events lined up to create that one moment.

It reminded me to be grateful for all the good and bad that happens in our life. We never know where they may lead us to.

That's it for this week.

You be good. See you soon 👋